
Life, Assembled premieres at BRIFF 2022!


Life, Assem­bled has been select­ed in the Green Plan­et cat­e­go­ry at BRIFF Fes­ti­val 2022!

The film will be screened at the fes­ti­val on June 25th at UGC De Brouck­ère in Brussels.

There will be a meet and greet with the direc­tor Elodie Degavre after the movie, we hope to see you there!

A new award for A New Perspective !


A New Per­spec­tive direct­ed by Emanuela Pon­zano and co-pro­duced by Play­time Films won the Coup de Coeur RTBF” Award at the Le court en dit long Fes­ti­val in Paris!

Selection of Have Tea at the VKRS Festival #4 !


The music video for Rob­bing Mil­lions’ Have Tea” direct­ed by Julien Bechara has been select­ed for com­pe­ti­tion at the fourth edi­tion of the VKRS Fes­ti­val in Brussels!

The fes­ti­val will take place on June 10th and 11th at Les Rich­es Claires The­ater in Brussels.

The Shadowz platform takes a little DETOUR

DETOURS: The rein­vo­ca­tion of Spiel­berg’s movie Duel for an ultra-tense thriller. ” 🚗💨

Shad­owz says it all! 😱

Indeed, the first 𝙎𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜 plat­form that hon­ors Genre films, is releas­ing Christo­pher Yates’ short film in all French-speak­ing coun­tries in Europe start­ing today!

➡️ to dis­cov­er on the platform…