Public Enemy Season 3

A TV drama created by Matthieu Frances, Antoine Bours, Gilles de Voghel, Christopher Yates and Chloé Devicq, 6x52', 2023


Chloé is still desperately looking for her little sister Jessica, and the police discover traces of Paul Van Acker in a region that Béranger seems to know well. In Vielsart, Béranger plays the perfect monk. But driven by his impulses, he takes every opportunity to go to the village and find out who his next victim will be. Only Lucas seems able to stop him, before it's too late...


  • Stéphanie Blanchoud
  • Angelo Bison
  • Pauline Etienne
  • Clément Manuel
  • Philippe Jeusette
  • Jean-Jacques Rausin